Cost reduction and efficiency improvement of renewable energy technologies
- Wind:
- Physics and aerodynamics of atmospheric flow of wind for power production;
- Integrated wind farm control;
- Wind energy in the natural and social environment;
- Solar PV:
- Novel tandem, high efficiency technologies targeting low cost production with earth abundant materials;
- Novel Thin Film (TF) technologies targeting high efficiencies;
- Stable high performance Perovskites;
- Bioenergy:
- Cost-effective micro-CHP and hybrid heating systems;
- Efficient and low- emission technologies for industrial use of combustion and gasification systems from low-value biogenic residues and wastes;
- Carbon fixation and gas cleaning technologies for biogenic flue gases from heating;
- Biofuels and alternative renewable fuels:
- Development and co-processing of bioenergy carriers in oil refineries;
- Development of algal and renewable fuels of non-biological origin;
- Carbon-negative biofuel production;
- Solar CSP:
- Novel CSP cycles;
- Thermal energy storage for CSP plants and other uses;
- Geothermal:
- Innovative concepts for prediction and assessment of geothermal resources;
- Solutions for more sustainable geothermal energy;
- New technologies for geothermal well completion, operation and monitoring;
- Ocean:
- Improvement of tidal blades and rotor;
- Innovative circular materials for innovative foundations, floating substructures and connection systems for floating or bottom-fixed ocean energy devices;
- Improvement of the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of ocean energy;
- Hydropower:
- Development of hydropower equipment for improving techno-economic efficiency and equipment resilience in refurbishment situations;
- Development of hydropower equipment for hidden hydropower;
- Development of digital solutions for existing hydropower operation and maintenance.
Scale up renewable energy technologies
- Wind:
- Blade recycling;
- Innovation on floating wind energy deployment;
- Coupling off- grid wind energy with power-to-X;
- Solar PV:
- Advanced manufacturing of integrated PV;
- Novel c-Si tandem demonstration pilot lines;
- Recycling end of life PV modules;
- Bioenergy:
- Retrofitting of large-scale CHP to the use of biogenic residue, Intermediate bioenergy carrier production by phytoremediation from polluted lands and landfills;
- Innovative renewable energy carrier production for heating from renewable energies;
- Biofuels and alternative renewable fuels:
- Retrofitting industrial plants for biofuel production;
- Innovative biomethane production as an energy carrier and a fuel;
- Demonstration of complete value chains for biofuel and non-biological renewable fuel production;
- Solar CSP:
- Innovative components for CSP plants;
- Thermochemical storage for CSP;
- Geothermal:
- Demonstration of zero emissions power plant;
- Demonstration of large geothermal plants (>5 MW) for heating and electricity generation from unconventional resources;
- Demonstrate the use of high temperature geothermal reservoirs to provide energy storage for the energy system;
- Ocean:
- Demonstration of innovations for tidal turbine technology development;
- Demonstration of wave energy devices to increase experience in real sea conditions;
- Demonstration of innovative condition monitoring systems for tidal energy devices to increase experience in real sea conditions;
- Hydropower:
- Demonstration of sustainable hydropower refurbishment, innovative pumped storage equipment and tools;
- Demonstration of hydropower at hidden hydropower opportunities.
Energy system planning and operation
- Demonstration of Virtual Power Plant targeting dedicated technologies allowing an easy integration of diverse renewable energy source generation system into a seamless energy production installation;
- Retrofitting existing power, heating or combined heat and power generation stations through develop hybrid combined heat and power-generation systems integrating several and different renewable energy technologies in hybrid power, heating or CHP units;
- Retrofitting existing fuel refineries to polygeneration energy systems integrated in the refineries to deliver electricity, heat, refrigeration and fuels from combined renewable energy resources and technologies;
- Demonstration of micro-algae biofuel technologies in hybrids with renewable electricity generation integrated in biomass based industrial CHP, waste treatment, anaerobic digestion or biomass fermentation plants by using BECCS for process CO2 and renewable electricity for process hydrogen;
- 100% renewable heating, cooling and power in building;
- Combine renewable energies to solar fuels through developing technological interfaces for efficient and continuous renewable fuel production;
- Autonomous and local renewable energy systems: innovative plug-and play solutions for system management and renewables storage in off-grid applications;
- Renewable energy carriers from variable renewable electricity surplus and carbon emissions from energy consuming sectors.
Materials for the benefit of society and the environment and materials for decarbonising Industry
- Development of more energy efficient electrically heated catalytic reactors;
- New catalytic material technologies for a cost-effective distributed production and development of near-zero emissions power fuels;
- Creation of an innovation community for solar fuels and chemicals;
- Sustainable storage of H2;
- Novel and improved materials for green nanoelectronic components and devices for industrial applications;
- Membranes for gas separations – membrane distillation.
Climate neutral, circular and digitised production
- Plastic waste as sustainable carbon feedstock for industry;
- Upcycling technologies for plastic waste;
- New electrochemical conversion routes for materials and chemicals manufacturing;
- Novel high temperature heat pump technologies;
- Integration of hydrogen for replacing fossil fuels in industrial applications;
- Hydrogen as chemical feedstock in process industries.